Getting started
Learn how to start using Freedesktop SDK.
This section of the guide focuses on an overview of the Freedesktop SDK project, how to access the project definitions and get a sample project running. You can also learn about specific tools and dependencies that you need to install and configure on your computer, such as BuildStream.
This guide uses a lot of BuildStream-related terms. For more information about the BuildStream glossary, see the BuildStream documentation.
This guide uses a lot of BuildStream-related terms. For more information about the BuildStream glossary, see the BuildStream documentation.
SDK overview
Freedesktop SDK consists of a group of software definitions that you can integrate together to create various outputs, such as Flatpak runtimes or operating systems.
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Prerequisites and dependencies
You need to install specific tools and dependencies to start using Freedesktop SDK.
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Pre-built outputs
Freedesktop SDK provides runtimes and images that you can use for testing or as a base for your own software.
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